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ONLINE: Postgraduate Supervision Training for Postdoctoral Fellows (Part Two)


About this workshop

Most Postdoctoral Fellows find themselves involved in both co-supervision and supervision of postgraduate students, ranging from Honours, to Master’s and Doctoral students. By virtue of their focus on research and possible further pathway in an academic career, this is a natural and expected part of a Postdoc’s development.


This three-part online workshop series offers UCT Postdocs an opportunity to engage in understanding postgraduate student needs and good supervision practises within the UCT system (which is not unlike most other university systems).  Presenters drawn from within UCT will interact with Postdocs in a diverse and informative programme.


The topics to be covered in Part 2 are:

  • Developing a good supervisor-student relationship (communication, MoU, dealing with conflict)
  • Different supervisory styles
  • Giving effective feedback on the thesis writing


What previous attendees have said about this workshop:

  • “This has been exactly the right amount of knowledge transfer and interaction, so I feel that the time has been utilized optimally. Very well done!”
  • “I appreciate you all making the time to share your knowledge and skills with us, it has been invaluable to me.  I have learned a lot that I can apply to my current co-supervisory roles, so I am incredibly grateful for this webinar series, it has been very helpful.”
  • “I think of supervision differently - both for the future and for the past.”



Online via MS Teams*

*While this workshop is currently scheduled to take place on-line, we may change it to a face-to-face workshop as campus restrictions ease, venues become available, and further consideration is given to the pros and cons of online offerings.


What level of study is the workshop aimed at?

Postgraduate Diploma








Postdoctoral Fellow


Junior Research Fellow



Which faculty/faculties is the workshop aimed at?



Commerce (including GSB)








Health Sciences




MS Teams

  • It is recommended that you install the MS Teams software onto the device that you will be using to join the workshop, so that you have full functionality of the software features.
  • If you require any technical assistance with this task or require guidance in using the software, please contact the ICTS helpdesk at icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za or on +27 21 650 4500.
  • When registering for this workshop, you will be prompted to input your UCT credentials, including UCT e-mail address, for security reasons.  A confirmation e-mail will then be sent to the UCT e-mail address with which you registered and will contain the MS Teams link to join the workshop on the day.
  • To join the online workshop on the day, log into MS Teams via the profile linked to the e-mail address with which you registered and not a personal or company profile, to avoid access issues.

Thursday, August 25, 2022
11:00am - 1:00pm
Prof. Peter Meissner & panel of experienced supervisors, Dr. Gudrun Oberprieler & Dr. Catherine Hutchings
OPGS workshops
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

No Profile image
Amanda Bessick



Room 2.04  Level 2 Otto Beit Building

University Avenue, Upper Campus

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch 7700


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