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ONLINE: Savvy Researcher Series - EndNote / EndNote Mac

ONLINE: Savvy Researcher Series - EndNote / EndNote Mac


This session is offered by the Libraries.  EndNote is a bibliographic management tool for publishing and managing of citations and references. This introductory session will provide a basic overview of the features available on EndNote and equip users to get started. The session will cover setting up and managing your EndNote Library, sharing references and generating in-text citations and reference lists.


To register for this workshop, visit the Libraries' events calendar here.

Thursday, April 25, 2024
3:00pm - 4:00pm
Faadiel Latief, Roberto Sass & Simone Hansen
Savvy Series workshop

Event Organizer

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Amanda Bessick



Room 2.04  Level 2 Otto Beit Building

University Avenue, Upper Campus

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch 7700


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