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ONLINE: Writing your Research: Thesis Argument II (Humanities) (REPEAT)


About this workshop

You must have attended Part 1 to attend this workshop.

Part 2 on working with thesis arguments aims to extend student understanding and application of key claims and assumptions on own field / topic of research.  Through strategic hands-on activities the workshop affords students the opportunity to develop aligned sections and subsections for approaching the literature review and methodology sections / chapters.  Students should expect to draw up a general structure and outline towards extrapolating the study’s research questions, working on their own literature reviews for clarity and coherence of argumentation.


What previous attendees have said about this workshop:

  • "I've been feeling overwhelmed with the perspectives of other researchers in my field as well as the voices of my research participants. I like the fact that I was reminded that this is my research study and my voice counts just as much as anyone else's."
  • "I've been struggling with my writing, so even though the workshop looked at Writing one's Argument, it essentially helped me re-look at my entire process."
  • "Its excellent, could all the sessions be in person!! "


About the presenter

Ms. Isabella Sinn, Writing Consultant, UCT Writing Centre, CHED

Isabella is a senior Writing Consultant at UCT Writing Centre and has extensive experience in facilitating academic writing and research workshops for all levels of study, this includes facilitating the MMUF Writing Circles and Writing to Post Graduate Completion Seminars.  Isabella completed her MA in Historical Studies, focussing on divorce and the family in the nineteenth-century Cape Colony, and is currently working on further research and publication.


What level of study is the workshop aimed at?

Postgraduate Diploma








Postdoctoral Fellow


Junior Research Fellow



Which faculty/faculties is the workshop aimed at?



Commerce (including GSB)








Health Sciences







Students must attend Part 1 of this series.

Preparation for the workshop

Students should be in the writing stage of their research and should be prepared to engage with literature that supports and develops claims and counter claims in their area of study. Students to bring key journal articles to engage with arguments and key claims that may underpin their research topics/areas.

Level of participation at the workshop

A constructive and intense level of participation is expected wherein students may experience both small group and independent engagement with material.

MS Teams

  • It is recommended that you install the MS Teams software onto the device that you will be using to join the workshop, so that you have full functionality of the software features.
  • If you require any technical assistance with this task or require guidance in using the software, please contact the ICTS helpdesk at icts-helpdesk@uct.ac.za or on +27 21 650 4500.
  • When registering for this workshop, you will be prompted to input your UCT credentials, including UCT e-mail address, for security reasons.  A confirmation e-mail will then be sent to the UCT e-mail address with which you registered and will contain the MS Teams link to join the workshop on the day.
  • To join the online workshop on the day, log into MS Teams via the profile linked to the e-mail address with which you registered and not a personal or company profile, to avoid access issues.


Thursday, May 30, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Ms. Isabella Sinn, Writing Consultant, UCT Writing Centre, CHED
OPGS workshops
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

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Amanda Bessick



Room 2.04  Level 2 Otto Beit Building

University Avenue, Upper Campus

University of Cape Town

Rondebosch 7700


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